MCM Eventi e Congressi

Authors are invited to submit original abstracts in any of the conference scientific topics by 05 February, 2024 15 February, 2024.
Abstracts must contain information on research purpose, methodology, results and major conclusions. Abstracts should be in English and no longer than 2 pages; figures and graphics will be welcome. The file should be submitted in PDF format according to the Abstract template. Abstracts will be reviewed by the Scientific Committee.
Abstracts can be submitted for Oral or Poster presentations. Please note that selecting oral will not ensure that an accepted paper will be considered for oral presentation. As oral presentation slots are limited, an accepted paper may be allocated for poster presentation. In any case, no distinction will be made between papers selected as oral or posters presentations: they both will be made available to all registered participants on this website. Authors of both oral and poster presentation high quality papers will be invited to submit them for publication in“an open access volume of Journal of Physics: Conference Series, indexed on Scopus.
Authors of both oral and poster presentation of high quality papers will be invited to submit a paper with deeper concepts and further results for publication in a special issue of the Computational Thermal Sciences (CTS) journal (https://www.begellhouse.com/journals/computational-thermal-sciences.html).
NOTE: Abstracts submitted by email or not in accordance with the guidelines will NOT be accepted

Prepare your PDF file (do not exceed 4 MB). When the text is ready, go on the online form and follow the steps below:
Fill in the details of the submitting author
Fill in with accuracy the Name and Family Name, Department, University/Company, City, Country and Email address of the submitting author and of all authors
Do not forget to check the appropriate box to indicate the name of the presenting author
Select the preferred type of presentation (Oral, Poster)
Select the topic
Type the abstract’s title
Choose your file and click on the button “upload”
Press the button SAVE. You will see a summary of the information that you have digited

At the end of the process, the submitting author will receive by email the confirmation of submission, together with a username and a password. Authors can login anytime into the abstract submission system and make all changes to the abstract, till the deadline. In case of loss the password can be recovered.
The submitting author will be notified of the abstract acceptance by March 20, 2024.
The abstracts, after the review process, cannot be changed anymore.

At least one author of each paper is required to register to attend the conference by the full paper submission deadline, May 15, 2024. If none of the authors is registered by this date, the paper will be automatically withdrawn from the program and from the proceedings without any further notice.
Each author is entitled to the presentation of 1 paper only.